Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Shot down

Teaching has been difficult these days, with numerous gun related incidents, and one known fatality. It's hard to watch school administration completely ignore grieving children and communities. It's even harder to watch children go missing as they are expelled, hurt, scared to show up or pulled out because of extra curricular violence...

Other than recent fiascoes, the girls are doing fabulous. Simultaneously composing dynamic Super Hero paintings and designing/creating outfits for the upcoming ArtEsteem Exhibit.

You are all invited! SAVE THE DATE: Saturday, May 16th from 3-6 in the Oliver Art Gallery on the Oakland CCA Campus. All of the art is for show, most of it is for sale. There is a raffle, craft table, cultural arts performance, fashion show (my girls!!) and food! Come learn about ArtEsteem and the long standing AHC - CCA partnership. I think this partnership has truly added to my in-the-field learning experiences. Because these two communities are so well acquainted, I feel I have a lot of support for my formal work, and when I need a little therapy during the tough times. Also, I have realized that my partnership with my co-teacher is slowly dwindling. Sometimes, she just doesn't get it. She wears me out and makes me tired. She is hardly any kind of influential support for these girls, and very tough to work with.

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